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Registration Opening Dates

Programs have staggered registration dates. We advertise programs before registration opens which is why you may see that registration is closed, yet there are spaces available.  See details >

Programs for Homeschool Families

A series of environmental education programs developed especially for homeschoolers ages 4 to 12 and Teens.  These classes are a great way to get hands-on science and nature lessons, receive help on projects and research and network with other homeschooling families. Each program will consist of indoor and outdoor hands-on learning. Depending on the topic, students may observe live animals, collect aquatic creatures, take measurements of water quality, or play games.  

Siblings younger than 4 are welcome in the Homeschool Friday programs, but must be under the care of a parent/guardian at all times and should not distract the program participants. Older and younger students will be grouped by age to allow for age-appropriate topic exploration (parents will stay with the younger group).

Adults are not required in the Teen Series. Check out other programs for Tweens and  Teens.

Volunteer Opportunities

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  Many volunteer activities are suitable for homeschool families.

Join Calvert Nature Society today most programs are free!

The schedule of events is subject to changed based on the status of the coronavirus response, weather, staffing, and other situations that may arise. If Calvert Nature Society or Calvert County Natural Resources Division cancels a program, a full refund will be issued. 

COVID policies   Cancellation and Refund Policies

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